Ways to Get Rid Of Carb Cravings

Why Do We Crave Carbs?

Cravings often come when we feel stressed. When you eat carbs, it releases a "happy" chemical in your brain like serotonin. Many of the foods we tend to crave -- sweets, white breads, and sodas -- are filled with simple carbs that your body processes very fast. This boosts your feel-good hormone levels quickly, but it also causes your sugar levels to spike and drop.

How to Beat Carb Cravings

Keep your brain busy. It’s hard to think about cravings when your mind is occupied with fun. In one experiment, volunteers who played the video game Tetris for a few minutes found that it curbed their craving for food, drugs, and other pleasures. The researchers think that’s because your brain has limited capacity to juggle competing images.

Eat mindfully. Sometimes you reach for carbs not out of hunger but boredom. Or it’s your habit to indulge in a bowl of ice cream after dinner. Mindful eating may help. Practice paying attention to why you’re eating, slow down to savor the taste of your food, and focus on the moment. This helps your brain get in sync with your stomach and get the signal that you're full. Studies show a strong link between mindful eating and lower body weight
